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双语新闻播报(August 24)

发布时间:2023-08-25 02:41:16 来源:百家号责编:中国日报网

> California hit by first tropical storm in 84 years美国加州遭遇84年来首个热带风暴

A person in rain gear looks through the sand at the beach in Carlsbad, California, Aug 20, 2023. [Photo/VCG]

Tropical Storm Hilary landed in Southern California on Sunday, the first tropical storm in the region in 84 years. 热带风暴“希拉里”20日登陆美国加州南部,这是84年来南加州第一次遭遇热带风暴。

The last time a tropical storm made landfall in the area was in 1939, according to the National Weather Service.据美国国家气象局的记录,该地区上一次有热带风暴登陆是在1939年。

The National Hurricane Center warned on Monday that the storm could cause "life-threatening" flooding in the southwestern US, as well as record-breaking rainfall, with flooding possible as far north as Oregon and Idaho.美国国家飓风中心周一警告说,这场风暴可能会在美国西南部引发“危及生命”的洪水,以及破纪录的降雨量,北至俄勒冈州和爱达荷州也可能会出现洪水。

Hilary has dumped more than half the average annual rainfall in some areas. Hundreds of flights were canceled in San Diego, Los Angeles and other cities, and classes were canceled in California's two largest school districts, Los Angeles and San Diego. “希拉里”给一些地区带来的降雨量超越了年均降雨量的一半。圣迭戈、洛杉矶等城市数以百计的航班被取消,加州两个最大的校区——洛杉矶校区和圣迭戈校区也停课了。

The storm dumped 8.7 inches of rain on parts of Nevada by Monday, breaking the state's heaviest rainfall record in 116 years. Hilary was also the first tropical storm ever to enter Nevada.截至21日,内华达州部分地区降雨量达到了220毫米,打破了该州116年来的最大降雨记录,“希拉里”也是有史以来第一场进入该州的热带风暴。

At present, the storm did not cause major causalities or damage, but risks remain, especially in mountainous areas where rising water and wet hillsides could trigger mudslides.目前,这场风暴暂未造成重大人员伤亡或财产损失,但风险依然存在,特别是在山区,因为水位上涨和潮湿的山坡可能引发泥石流。

> Japan announces ocean discharge of Fukushima nuke wastewater amid protest日本政府决定8月24日启动福岛核污染水排海

This photo taken on Nov 7, 2022 shows nuclear-contaminated wastewater tanks lined up on the site of Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO)'s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Okuma, Fukushima prefecture. [Photo/Agencies]

Despite public concern and raging opposition from both home and abroad, the Japanese government announced on Tuesday that it has decided to start releasing nuclear-contaminated wastewater from the crippled Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant into the ocean on the August 24. 日本政府不顾国内外公众的担忧和强烈反对,22日宣布决定于8月24日启动福岛核污染水排海。

Hundreds of Japanese citizens gathered on Tuesday morning in front of the Japanese prime minister's official residence to protest the government's irresponsible decision.22日上午,数百名日本人聚集在日本首相官邸前,抗议政府不负责任的决定。

The ocean discharge, which could last several decades, is expected to commence Thursday, weather and sea conditions permitting, according to the controversial decision announced by Prime Minister Fumio Kishida following a ministerial meeting held on Tuesday morning. 根据日本首相岸田文雄在内阁成员会议后宣布的这项有争议的决定,只要天气和海洋气象无碍,将于24日启动排海,可能会持续数十年。

Kishida claimed that the government will take full responsibility for the decision.他声称,日本政府将对这一决定负全部责任。

Kishida visited the wastewater treatment facility at the plant on Sunday and met with the head of Japan's national fisheries federation on Monday in hopes of gaining an understanding. 20日,岸田文雄视察福岛第一核电站核污染水处理设施,并于21日在首相官邸会见日本全国渔业协会联合会负责人,试图争取理解。

"Our position has not changed, and we continue to be opposed to the ocean discharge," Masanobu Sakamoto, head of the National Federation of Fisheries Cooperative Associations said after the meeting.但日本全国渔业协会联合会会长坂本雅信表示:“我们的立场没有改变,会继续反对向海洋排放核污染水。”

Hit by a magnitude-9.0 earthquake and an ensuing tsunami on March 11, 2011, the plant suffered core meltdowns that released radiation, resulting in a level-7 nuclear accident, the highest on the International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale.2011年3月11日,在9.0级地震和海啸的袭击下,福岛第一核电厂发生堆芯熔毁,放射性物质外泄,该事故被定为核事故最高分级7级。

The Fukushima plant has stored more than 1.3 million tons of nuclear-contaminated wastewater, and the discharge is planned to continue for more than 30 years, according to the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), the operator of the plant.据福岛核电站运营商东京电力公司(TEPCO)称,该核电站储存了130多万吨核污染废水,并计划持续排放30多年。

A total of 88.1 percent surveyed expressed concerns over the government's plan to discharge treated radioactive wastewater into the ocean, as the disapproval rate of the Kishida-led cabinet rose to an eight-month high, according to the latest opinion poll conducted by the national news agency Kyodo.据日本共同社的民调显示,88.1%的受访者对政府向海洋排放经处理的放射性废水的计划表示担忧,对岸田领导的内阁的不支持率升至八个月来的新高。

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